The Journey to the Abode of Goddesses – Jumolhari Trek

Bhutan hosts the most difficult and beautiful treks in the whole Himalaya thus Bhutan is a trekking paradise. The topography is characterized by rugged mountains with snow clad peaks (7000mts), steep slopes, narrow gorges, and flat, narrow valley bottoms with gushing glacial fed rivers.

Among several choices of high altitude treks, one of the most beautiful trek and popular trek is the Jumolhari Trek. Believed to be the Goddesses of the mountains, the spectacular view of Mt Jumolhari (7314mts) from the campsite at Jangothang is the treat for this trek.



If you are flying into Paro from Delhi or Kathmandu the flight over the Himalayas is a thrilling experience one will experience as you land.

On landing, you will be met by our representative. After formalities at the customs and immigration you will be escorted to the hotel.

Overnight at Hotel

Day 2 : PARO SIGHTSEEING ( Acclimatization)

You will be driven through the winding road northwest up the Pa chu (river) to Drugyal Dzong, the ruined fortress which was built to commemorate the victory over the Tibetan invaders in the 17th century by Zhabdrung Ngawang namgyel, the spiritual leader of Bhutan. It also defended several Tibetan invasion after. It is under renovation and will be built in the same architectural design.

On a clear day, one can have a view of Mt jumolhari from the point where the Drugyal Dzong stands.

On the way back, one does not want to miss the most popular Tiger`s Nest on a visit to Bhutan. It`s about 2 hours walk through an ancient trail of water prayer wheels and prayer flags.

Lunch at the cafeteria.

Tiger`s Nest became a sacred site in the history of Buddhism after the visit of Guru Rimpoche (believed to be 2nd Lord Buddha) in the 8th century. The monastery stands on a sheer rock facing the valley and it is difficult to comprehend how the temple was built in the 17th century and speaks of Bhutan`s architectural strength that existed for a long time. Guru meditated in the cave after subduing the evil spirits that were obstructing the spread of Buddhism. Since then many Buddhist masters have meditated in this cave.

In the evening, a stroll around in Paro town and shopping for any needs needed for the Journey to the Abode of Goddesses tomorrow.

Dinner at the Hotel

Overnight at the Hotel.

Day 3 : PARO TO SHANA( 9480ft/2890mts)

Start of Trek Day 1 :

Distance : 17 kms and walking time of 5 to 6 hours.

At the end of the road north from Paro lie the ruins of Drugyal Dzong with Mount Jumolhari (23,995ft/7314mts) behind – a wonderful vista for the start of the trek. Bhutanese trekking staff and the first group of pack animals are met here. Gradual climb following the Paro river  through the agricultural fields and villages of big , magnificent , traditional Bhutanese farm houses with bright red chillies drying on their roofs in season. Farmer in the upper Paro valley grows red rice, potatoes and wheat. They measure their land in Langdo, a section of land that can be ploughed by a pair of bulls in one day. A gradual climb leads you to the campsite opposite to Gunyitsawa Army check post in a meadow.


Distance : 22kms and walking time of 7 to 8 hours.

This is a long and hard day with lots of short ups and downs. The trail continues its gradual climb along the Pa chu (river) coniferous and rhododendrons entering Jigme Dorji National Park. The trail makes continues, but gentle climb on a rocky trails through oaks, rhododendrons, and ferns crossing several small streams. After 2 hours from camp is Shing Karap, a stone house and a clearing at 3110m. Some distance below is the route to Tremo La which is the old invasion and trade route to Phari in Tibet.

A small stone shelter and a Bhutanese style house in a cedar grove at the edge of the meadow is Thangthangka.


Distance: 19km and walking time of 5 to 6 hours

Jumolhari was probably covered with clouds when you arrived last night but you will get a good view if you get up early.

As you climb beyond the camp, Jumolhari disappears behind the ridge. Crossing another Army camp, the trail crosses a wooden bridge over a fast flowing stream. At 3370m, about one hour from the camp, the trail turns sharply at a whitewashed mani wall. A short climb leads to a small chorten on a ridge. You are now entering the Yak country and you will see these huge beats lumbering across the hillside and lazing in meadows alongside the trails.

Above the trail is the village of Soe, one hour beyond Soe is the settlement of Takethang, a cluster of stone houses on a plateau at 3940m.The trail follows staright across the plateau, high above the river  crossing a stream into Dangochang. The people of this village raise yaks and a few sheep, and some household grows potatoes, turnips, and radishes. This area is snowbound from mid – November to until the end of March. Resident says that, the snow can be so deep they have to pee out of the second – floor windows.

It is a slow going uphill beside a stream to the camp at Jangothang and a spectacular view of Jumolhari. The ruins of a small fortress sit atop a rock in the middle of the side valley that leads northwest to Jumolhari. A chain of snow peaks forms the eastern side of the Paro chu and it`s often possible to spot blue sheeps on the lower slopes.


Jangothang is the highlight of the trek. The views don’t get any better than here. There are several day hikes you can make and a day here is very well spent.

Enjoy the view.


Distance:18km and walking time of 6 to 7 hours

The trail crests at the foot of a large side valley and follows the valley eastwards and soon the top of Jumolhari appears over the ridge.

It is a long climb of 3 to 3 and half hours to reach the first high and very windy Pass of this trek, the Nyile La (4980m). Today`s trek will test your level of acclimatization. If you are having problem, this is the time to turn back; once you have crossed over to Lingzhi you can only get out by crossing high Passes.

Continuing to descend and passing a narrow gorge with a small river crossing, you can spot Masang Gang peak in the far distance. The trail is now easy, flat and good, leading to a viewing point from which Lingzhi Dzong can be seen in it`s full glory; a powerful, solitary structure in a middle of an enormous wilderness.


Staying an extra day here to explore the surroundings is worth the time. Lingzhi has a 9 months winter and a brief summer. A visit to Lingzhi Dzong which was built in 1668 by druk Desi Mingyur Tempa . The Dzong lies on one of the main trading routes, thus Lingzhi Dzong has undergone many sieges, as the Tibetans used to bypass it. The thick circular walls have many small holes through which the defenders used to shoot at their assailants. Water was collected from the river at its foot through a secret passage. There are some dark cells deep underground, which was used to imprison murderers and temple robbers.

At the end of the valley little Gompa called Gyo Gompa, built on a rock cliff  can be reached by climbing some stairs. With Jichu Drake at the background, the setting is dramatic.

You can also make an excursion to Tshokha Lake (4500m) at the base of Jichu Drake, spotting of Blue Sheep and Musk deer is possible.

Day 9 : LINGZHI TO SHODU (4110m)

Distance: 22kms and walking time of 8 to 9 hours

Starting early as it is a long day. The trail climbs steeply up the side of the main valley and crosses into a large side valley, climbing above a stream. It then makes a impressive climb up the headwall, switch backing through to a large cairn atop Yeli La at 4930m.

It`s a steep descent into a hanging valley, passing a small lake at 4830m. The trail follows the outflow from the lake, descending into another huge valley and another, larger lake, Khedo Tsho at 4720m. Watch for Blue Sheep grazing alongside the lake.

Camp at Shodu, just at the tree line.

Day 10: SHODU TO BARSHONG ( 3680M)

DISTANCE: 16km and walking time of 5 to 6 hours.

The trail crosses river, Thimphu River, passes an abandoned Army Camp. The trail traverses under steep yellow cliffs with a few meditation caves carved into them. It is believed that Zhabdrung spent some time in these caves. Descending on a steep stone staircase, the trail reaches the river, crossing it on a log bridge at 3870m. For the next 3 hours the trail crosses the river 5 more times, slopping through muddy cypress forest at the south slope and hugging the steep canyon walls.

The route climbs gradually for 1 hour to Barshong.


Distance: 15kms and walking time of 5 to 6 hours

The trail descends through a forest of rhododendrons , birch and conifers dropping steeply on a rocky trail to meet the Wang chu ( Thimphu river)another 30 mins takes you through a larch forest leading to a clearing , Ta Gume Thang ( waiting for horses)

On the left side of the river, climbing ridges and descending to side streams. The roué then makes a steep climb for 30mins in rhododendron forest and descends to Dolom Kencho with a pleasant campsite in a large meadow.


Distance: 8 km and walking time of 3 to 4 hours

The trail climbs back to the trail, reaching a crest with a cairn at 3430m. The trail then descends to a stream at 3060m. Through a bamboo forest leading to a rocky stream bed, which the trail follows down to the logging road along the Wang Chu at 2720m. You will meet your vehicle and its 30 mins drive to Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan.

Overnight at the Hotel.


      It can be said that Thimphu is Bhutan in a miniscule. People from all parts of Bhutan live in the capital. The capital also houses the treasures of Bhutan.

Our excursion of Thimphu starts with a visit to Memorial Chorten (Stupa) built in the memory of the late third king of Bhutan, His Majesty Jigme Dorji  Wangchuk in 1973.

The next stop will be at Kuenselphodrang, where construction of the biggest Buddha statue in the country is near completion and from here we can have a good view of Thimphu valley stretching to the North with the Thimphu Dzong ( Fortress) as the spot light and Simtokha Dzong (Fortress) to the south.

         Changangkha monastery built in the 12th century will be our next destination. This will be followed by a visit to the Takin Zoo, Takin is the national animal of Bhutan and is one of the endangered species of animal thus supported by the WWF. Then we stopped at a Nunnery from where we can get the best view of the the Thimphu Dzong ( Fortress ) in a celluloid.

After Lunch, we will be visiting the Handicraft Emporium and a souvenir shop for some shopping followed by an Archery match which is our national game.

We will have a stroll around in Thimphu town, the capital city of Bhutan before leaving for the visit to Trashichodzong (Thimphu Dzong) at 5 pm, which is the most important landmark of Thimphu. This massive structure houses the office of the King and the throne room. It is the summer residence of the monastic body and also houses the headquarters of different ministries of Bhutan.

Dinner at the Hotel

Halt : Thimphu Hotel


Our representative will drop you at the airport and bid you fare-well.

  • Private guided tour
  • Visas for Bhutan
  • Return journey on Drukair (SIN/PBH/SIN)
  • Airport transfers
  • Daily 3 meals (B/L/D) at designated restaurants or hotels
  • Accommodation at 3 star hotel
  • A qualified & licensed English-speaking guide
  • An experienced driver
  • A tour vehicle
  • Entry fees & road permits
  • Government fee, royalty, taxes & surcharges
  • Mineral bottled water
  • Set of traditional costume (to be return at the end of your stay)
  • Full service & assistance before, during and after your Bhutan trip
Best Time : April – October
  • Flight into Bhutan via Drukair (can be arranged with us)
  • Flight on other airline to catch Drukair Flight
  • Hotel stay outside of Bhutan
  • Travel Insurance (can be arranged with us)
  • Meals at 4-5 stars restaurants
  • Tips for the guide and driver
  • Alcoholic drink
  • Expenditure of personal nature

Guaranteed Visa approval. We have yet to disappoint a single of our travellers in term of Visa issuance.

Your choice of hotels will be confirmed for your inspection before your arrival. We only book you on hotels which we love and would love again.

We will be happy to change your guide, driver or vehicle on the first two days of arrival in Thimphu if you are not satisfied with our selection. Drop us a note and our hospitapty team be on the spot to assist you.

We’re here to help. Our world-class member services team is available by phone or email — there's no automated system or call center; you'll communicate with a real person.