A Walk in the Clouds

This  trek is wonderfully varied : Beautiful scenery, good views of snow capped Himalayan peaks and one of the most popular treks in Bhutan following an ancient trail with camp sites by the lake at 4000 metres with a visit to a Dzong high up in the mountain.

The trek begins at high altitude so plan some days in Paro and Thimphu for acclimatization.

1st Day : Paro to Thimphu ( Acclimatization)

Arrive at Paro international Airport. The flight will be a breathtaking experience as you will be able to see the treasures of the Himalayas, embodied in majestic forms, such as Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga, Jomolhari, Mount Jichu Drake and others. The landing at Paro is considered challenging, which will thus make you have an enthralling experience as only about a dozen pilots are licensed to fly in.

Representative from our company will meet you at the airport who will escort you to lunch in Paro town. After lunch your exploration of Bhutan will begin with the visits to a place of Historical importance in Paro.

You will visit Paro Dzong (Fortress on a heap of jewel).Built in the 17th century which houses the monastic body of Paro and houses the Office of the governor of Paro. It’s a great view of the beautiful and charming Paro valley with the Glacial river running down south.

It will be about more than an hour`s drive to Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan.

Upon reaching hotel, tea/coffee with snacks will be served as a welcome drinks.

Dinner at the hotel.

2nd Day : Thimphu ( Acclimatization)

It can be said that Thimphu is Bhutan in a miniscule. People from all parts of Bhutan live in the capital. The capital also houses the treasures of Bhutan.

Our excursion of Thimphu starts with a visit to Memorial Chorten (Stupa) built in the memory of the late third king of Bhutan, His Majesty Jigme Dorji  Wangchuk in 1973.

The next stop will be at Kuenselphodrang, where construction of the biggest Buddha statue in the country is near completion and from here we can have a good view of Thimphu valley stretching to the North with the Thimphu Dzong (Fortress) as the spot light and Simtokha Dzong (Fortress) to the south.

Changangkha monastery built in the 12th century will be our next destination. Then we stopped at a Nunnery from where we can get the best view of the the Thimphu Dzong in a celluloid.

After Lunch, we will be visiting the Handicraft Emporium and a souvenir shop for some shopping followed by an Archery match which is our national game.

We will have a stroll around in Thimphu town, the capital city of Bhutan before leaving for the visit to Trashichodzong (Thimphu Dzong) at 5 pm, which is the most important landmark of Thimphu. This massive structure houses the office of the King and the throne room. It is the summer residence of the monastic body and also houses the headquarters of different ministries of Bhutan.

Dinner at the Hotel

Halt : Thimphu Hotel

3rd  Day : Thimphu to Paro ( Trek Start) Camp below Jele Dzong.

Distance : 9 to 10 kms and walking time of 4 to 5 hours

Drive to Paro for about one hour and through a dirt road above the Dzong and the museum to the point where the trek starts where you will meet your trekking staffs, horsemen and the pack animals.

The trail winds it`s way through steeply through the blue pine forest after Damchena (2900mts) near a big stone house. After one hour or so of steady climbing there will be nice views over the Paro valley. Visible above is the Jele Dzong (3480mts) located on top of a ridge and surprisingly nearby.

Climb steadily up through blue pine, fir and bamboo before reaching a small pass (3518 mts) below the dzong. The route opens up a bit and there maybe some yaks with their herders and dogs.

Tonight the campsite is a little way down from the pass at 3436mts. It can be cold here because of the wind which often picks up in the afternoon. You may be able to hear some monks playing instruments during their prayer sessions.

4th Day :  Jele Dzong to Jangchu Lhakha ( 3760mts)

Distance : 10 km and walking time of 3 to 4 hours

From camp, climb back to the ridge and the small pass leading to the dzong. The dzong is worth a visit as it`s a very impressive fort surrounded by many prayer flags in an even more impressive and exposed location. Jele Dzong is a residence of Lam Ngawang Chogyal ( 1465 to 1540) , the cousin of Lama Drukpa Kuenley.

From the dzong, the route begins a long ridge walk, first climbing on the west side of the ridge in a rhododendron to a saddle at 3550mts then descending through a forest of trees ravaged by bark beetles. There are views of snow capped peaks . Crossing to the east side of the ridge and making a long traverse  through rhododendrons and cedars to Jangchu Lhakha, a pasture at 3760mts.

Tshokam, a yak herder`s camp is just about 10 mins away and also a good campimg spot.

 5th Day : Jangchu Lhakha to Jimilangtsho

Distance : 11km and walking time of 4 to 5 hours.

The ridge followed by the trekkers is about 2 hours than the pack animal`s route and more spectacular. If weather permits, there are several views of snowy peaks to the north and a grand view down into the valleys. The view of Jumolhari and Jichu Drake, the peak representing the protective deity of Paro is visible. Once again, we proceed in the northerly directions most of the day.

The route descends from Tshokam through forests to the foot of a valleyand crosses the upper part of the Bemang Rong Chu. It then leads upstream past a yak pasture called Langrithang at 3540mts.The trail then climbs through forest and finally makes a steep ascend through large rocks and dwarf rhododendrons to a crest and then traverse a short distance to Jimilangtsho, an isolated lake at 3870mts. There is a pleasant camping place at the far end of the lake.

Jimilangtsho menas the ‘Sand Ox lake’ and was named for a bull that emeged from the lake. The lake is also known for it`s giant trouts.

6th Day : Jimilangtsho to Simkotra

Distance : 11 km and a walking time of 4/5 hrs.

Walking around the lake to it`s far (western) end, there is a split in the trail. One used by the pack animals and the other soon climbs to a ridge making traverse along the side of the ridge then descends to a single stone shelter. There is some steep climbing through bushes but later good views will open up. An exposed cliff trail leads to a small saddle. From here you can see the next lake below Janye Tsho at 4050mts.

From the lake a white stone path between rhododendron bushes traverses a valley with a small lake below. Climb up a ridge and look for a cairn. After a hr a viewing point is reached with a lake below, Simkotra Tsho at 4090mts which has some stone ruins nearby. This is tonight`s camp.

7th Day : SImkotra to Phajoding

Distance : 10km and a walking time of 4/5 hrs.

There are several minor climbs to small passes before you finally look down to Phajoding monastery and Thimphu. Monks frequently pass here to meditate at the sacred lake Jimilang Tsho

When climbing up a pass, Thujedrak, Gangkar Phuensum becomes visible. If you are lucky with the weather, the rest of Bhutan Himalayas can be seen. From the pass to a small rocky outlook on the left is covered with prayer flags and there are also traces of fire on the top. This place was formerly used for sky burials and has an incredible view over the whole of the Bhutan Himalayas. A steep descent on a maze of eroded trails through Juniper and Rhododendron leads to the campsite above Phajoding at 3750mts. Meditation centres and temples are scattered across the hillside.

8th Day : Phajoding to Motithang

Distance : 4 to 5 km with a walking time of 2 hrs.

This Day`s trek is all downhill through forest. Descending to the main monastery and then on a wide trail, passing a Bhutanese chorten at 3440mts.

The trail descends to Motithang where your driver will be waiting with the car.

You can visit Takin`s zoo, the national animal of Bhutan as you drive down to your hotel.

9th Day : Thimphu ( Rest Day)

Today you can explore around in the capital of Bhutan, Thimphu visiting cafeterias, handicraft centres, Archery match and interacting with the locals.

10th Day : Tiger`s Nest.

Drive to Paro for an hr and then today is the day for the most sacred site in Bhutan, the Tiger`s Nest.

Apart from the beautiful valley and the landscape, Paro houses one of the sacred religious monastery in Bhutan which is very popular in the Buddhist world called Taksang, (Tiger`s Nest).

It`s about 3 hours hike up with a stop at the cafeteria for some tea/coffee and snacks which is halfway.

We hike through an ancient trail filled with water driven prayer wheels and prayer flags.

After the rest at the cafeteria for some drinks and as we near the monastery, you will see, an architectural wonder, which is the most visited sight in Bhutan by both locals and tourists. The monastery stands at a sheer rock facing the valley. The monastery was built in the 17th century which speaks to itself about Bhutan`s architectural strength that existed for a long time.

It is believed that Guru Padmasambhava (The Lotus Born) also known as the second Lord Buddha flew on a Tigress in one of it` s wrathful forms to subdue a evil spirit who was residing at the place where the monastery now stands. Guru meditated in the cave for 3 months after subduing the evil spirits. Since then many great Buddhist masters meditated in this cave.

11th Day : Fare Well.

Our Guide and driver will escort you to the airport and bid Fare well.

We hope you had a pleasant time and wish you a safe journey back home.

  • Private guided tour
  • Visas for Bhutan
  • Return journey on Drukair (SIN/PBH/SIN)
  • Airport transfers
  • Daily 3 meals (B/L/D) at designated restaurants or hotels
  • Accommodation at 3 star hotel
  • A qualified & licensed English-speaking guide
  • An experienced driver
  • A tour vehicle
  • Entry fees & road permits
  • Government fee, royalty, taxes & surcharges
  • Mineral bottled water
  • Set of traditional costume (to be return at the end of your stay)
  • Full service & assistance before, during and after your Bhutan trip
Best Time : April – October
  • Flight into Bhutan via Drukair (can be arranged with us)
  • Flight on other airline to catch Drukair Flight
  • Hotel stay outside of Bhutan
  • Travel Insurance (can be arranged with us)
  • Meals at 4-5 stars restaurants
  • Tips for the guide and driver
  • Alcoholic drink
  • Expenditure of personal nature

Guaranteed Visa approval. We have yet to disappoint a single of our travellers in term of Visa issuance.

Your choice of hotels will be confirmed for your inspection before your arrival. We only book you on hotels which we love and would love again.

We will be happy to change your guide, driver or vehicle on the first two days of arrival in Thimphu if you are not satisfied with our selection. Drop us a note and our hospitapty team be on the spot to assist you.

We’re here to help. Our world-class member services team is available by phone or email — there's no automated system or call center; you'll communicate with a real person.